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Getting to Know You

Getting to Know You

GETTING TO KNOW YOU "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.” Those lyrics from "The King and I", by Rodgers and Hammerstein, describe Anna’s need to understand and connect with the children she'd been hired to teach. Getting to know her audience was key...

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Get Marketing and Sales Talking to Each Other

Get Marketing and Sales Talking to Each Other

Synergy Solutions, a 10 person consulting firm, faced its greatest challenge. Marketing and sales didn’t talk and Sarah Thompson, the owner, felt the discord threatening to tear apart her company. The Brewing Storm Tension had built for months. Sarah's sales...

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What Excites Your Prospects

What Excites Your Prospects

What excites your prospects? In business and socially, people like to talk about what excites them. When you know where your prospect’s interests lie, you will make the sale or discard the prospect. When the prospect tells you what is exciting, you can tailor your...

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