B2B Prospecting: Help your team to work together using your CRM
In our last article, we started with a story about Alice, a B2B business owner of a small HVAC company who services commercial properties. She used the data in her CRM to create the ideal prospect profile so she can be more effective in prospecting. Creating the ideal...
B2B Prospecting: Use Your CRM to Create Your Ideal Prospect Profile
This is a story about Alice, a business owner of a small HVAC installation and service company. She works primarily in the B2B space by servicing owners and managers of commercial properties including shopping centers, hospitals, restaurants, and office buildings....
Don’t forget “Relationship” in Customer Relationship Management
Imagine if 50% of your new business came from current clients either directly or by referral? Wouldn’t that be great? More client time, less networking and much less Follow Up Fatigue (FUF). While the frequency of “repeat business” is different by industry, generating...
4 Ways to Prevent and Minimize Sales Pain Points with a CRM
What do you use to track your prospects, communicate about a prospect’s status change and manage your day-to-day tasks? How do you feel when your salespeople don’t update you about a lead’s probability? We all experience obstacles and points of pain as we work to...
Track your Referral Business and Watch as Your Revenue Grows
Written notes. Note apps. Reminders. Chat files. Good ol’ spreadsheets. Names, phone numbers, and emails are everywhere. It is virtually impossible to keep it all organized. Capture that data in one central place, segment it by contact type (i.e., client, prospect,...
Build Your Referral Sources and Reduce Follow Up Fatigue
If I were to ask you about your referral sources, could you tell me from where you receive your referrals? How about the number of leads from each source? What about the top referral sources? If you are not tracking and managing your referral sources, you could be...
3 Ways to Bring Your Team Together with Your CRM
Your CRM is a great tool to help you build relationships with prospects and customers. In past blogs, we have learned how to guide prospects through the Buyer’s Journey and to educate your buyer, and build loyalty from a new customer. Your CRM is much more than a...
Practical Ways to Use Your CRM to Lead Customers Through the Customer’s Journey
When a prospect makes a purchase, whether it is a product or service, they leave the Buyer’s Journey and enter the Customer’s Journey. The Customer’s Journey is their relational experience with you, the business, after the purchase. The goal of this experience is to...
Practical and Effective Ways to Use Your CRM in the Buyer’s Journey
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In our previous blog, we shared the difference between the Buyer’s Journey and the Customer’s Journey. There is a misconception that they are one and the same, but this is not true. They are different. Therefore, it is important to...
Buyer’s Journey vs the Customer’s Journey. What’s the difference?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We have all heard the term, Buyer’s Journey. We have also heard the term, Customer’s Journey. Do they mean the same thing? If they are the same, do I pick a term and run with it? If they are not, which “journey” do I build my CRM’s...
Do you know how people are interacting ON your website?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Every marketing professional will tell you the importance of Google Analytics, so you can see how people come to your site. It will help you see how long they are on your website, which pages they visit, and some demographic...
4 Practical Ways to Make Online Networking More Effective
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It used to be that we could go to networking events, grab a coffee, shake hands, have a conversation, and end with exchanging business cards for follow-up. Now networking is almost all virtual. It seems this will not change any time...