4 Ways to Make Your Marketing Survey Successful
In our last blog, we shared the relevancy of a survey in marketing strategies. We shared the importance of real feedback from real people, positioning yourself as an industry leader, and making better decisions with precise data gathered from the survey. If you missed...
3 Reasons Surveys Are Still Relevant
Recently, we launched a CRM survey to learn more about our industry and collect qualified data. Now before you think of someone like the Survey Ladies episode of the 1990’s cartoon, Animaniacs, we want to share 3 reasons why surveys are still relevant for marketing...
Bottom of the Funnel: How to Close the Sale
Over the last couple of blogs, we have been making our way through the responsibilities of the sales funnel. We have looked at the top of the funnel which is primarily the responsibility of Marketing. We have looked at the middle of the funnel which is shared...
Middle of the Funnel: Getting Qualified Leads to Become New Sales
In the last couple of blogs, we have discussed the marketing and sales funnel, who’s responsibility it is, and a deeper dive into the top of the funnel. Following the sequence of the funnel, we look at the middle of the funnel which is the duel responsibility of...
See How the Top of the Funnel Looks for B2B Companies
Last week, we wrote about the sales funnel and the responsibilities of Marketing and Sales. The sales funnel needs both Marketing and Sales to be successful. In this blog, we are going to take a deeper look at the Top of the Funnel which includes the first two stages...
The Sales Funnel: How to Get Marketing and Sales on the Same Page
Every business has a sales funnel. Some businesses have a very concise funnel with specific stages while other businesses manage their sales funnel loosely. If you were to ask business owners who is responsible, you will probably get mixed answers. Some will say Sales...
Who Is Your Next Target: Your Current Clients, Referrers or Prospects
Last week, we talked about flipping the Sales Funnel upside down so that more selective prospects are attracted to you, generating more sales with less effort. Prospects, however, are only one part of building a durable and sustainable pipeline. Current clients and...
Be Selective and Create Better Leads with an Upside Down Sales Funnel
When we go to business networking events and ask, “who is your audience,” we often here a one-word answer. Everyone! This answer is usually the result of a very ambitious new-to-sales salesperson or an unclear understanding of the company’s target customer. When there...
“Low Hanging Fruit” increases the risk of Follow Up Fatigue
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Over the last few weeks, we have talked about a real issue for sales and marketing professionals and that is Follow Up Fatigue. Follow Up Fatigue happens when you spend too much time following up on leads which are not your best...
How to Reduce Follow Up Fatigue
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Last week, we shared a common problem that many sales and marketing professionals experience, and that is Follow-Up Fatigue. We also shared a few ways to prevent Follow-Up Fatigue. This week, we dive a little deeper into the use of...
What is Follow-Up Fatigue and What to Do About It
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Imagine this. As a salesperson, you collect an average of 20 business contacts per week from business cards, chat files, form leads. If you work 40 weeks out of the year, that is roughly 800 contacts. Now we know that it takes 5-12...
How Google Analytics Dashboards Can Help You Make Better Business Decisions
Google Analytics has been around since November 2005. It changed how we measured website traffic and in the last 14 years, it has evolved tremendously to include tracking Adwords and custom events through Google Tag Manager. On top of this, Google Analytics offers 78...