Jul 12, 2022 | Buyer's Journey, CRM, Sales Funnel
Regardless of what you sell, your prospects move through 1 to 4 phases of your sales cycle: Awareness, Interest, Decision, and Action (or Conversion) based on whether they convert to clients or drop out earlier in your sales cycle. At each phase, outreach can be...
Jul 6, 2022 | CRM, CRM Implementation, Sales, Sales Manager
Leads are coming in through different channels including your website and networking events. You need to increase the number of salespeople in your business so you can manage, nurture, and convert more leads into sales, so you start hiring. As you hire salespeople,...
Jun 28, 2022 | CRM, Sales Funnel, X2CRM
Picture this: You have 3 salespeople who are following up with every lead. Each salesperson manages its lead follow-ups in its own way, so you do not know which leads are good and which ones are a dead end. Every now and then, your sales team closes a big sale, so you...
Jun 20, 2022 | CRM, Referral Network
Referrals are a great lead source. We have shared ways to build on referral sources. If you would like to read those articles, we have them listed below: 3 Ways to Build your Referrals in 2022 Build your Referral Sources and Reduce Follow Up Fatigue 4 Ways to Show...
Jun 13, 2022 | Automation, CRM, CRM Implementation
In an earlier blog, we explain the Upside-Down sales funnel. In a nutshell, a wide-open funnel attracts everyone, qualified or not. An Upside-Down sales funnel narrows the entrance into your sales funnel with a focus on filling the funnel with qualified leads. If you...