CRM Impacts on Sales

A well-known statement bears repeating – It takes up to 12 touches to close 80% of the sales in the U.S.A. 

Follow Up is the Differentiator

What is the impact of follow up on sales? While the nature of follow up varies across industries based on your sales cycle, statistics show that:

  • 89% of salespeople quit after 4 contacts.
  • At contact #8, you are likely to be the only salesperson contacting that prospect.

How do you as a solopreneur, business owner, or V.P. of Sales stay on top of your follow up? How do you stay on top of your sales team’s follow up?

Answers to the above questions often determine the success of one’s sales efforts. 

Here are 4 blogs that highlight how to build sales, stay top of mind to prospects and clients, and streamline manual tasks to free you up for higher priorities:

Staying in touch with prospects and clients to generate revenue is a CRM’s benefit!

Imagine having free time to visit your best clients and prospects. You will close more sales when your CRM does the heavy lifting.

Want to Hear What I’m Talking About?

FREE ebook:
Build More Revenue with Less Follow Up Fatigue

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