How to Reduce Follow Up Fatigue

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Last week, we shared a common problem that many sales and marketing professionals experience, and that is Follow-Up Fatigue. We also shared a few ways to prevent Follow-Up Fatigue. This week, we dive a little deeper into the use of CRM automation as a preventive measure.

What is CRM automation? It is a streamline process that you can use to nurture leads through your sales funnel. Most CRMs have tools within their platform to set up automation, but what does this have to do with Follow-Up Fatigue. Well, one of the reasons we contract Follow-Up Fatigue, is because we are trying to do ALL of the following ourselves. Automation takes some of the responsibility off of your shoulders, so that you can focus on the more critical areas of lead nurturing within your sales funnel.

Before you jump into implementing automation, you need to be strategic in your approach, otherwise, your automation may be in vain. Here are three questions that you can ask yourself with automation setup.

  1. Is my current content and marketing attracting qualified leads? This is very important. Your content needs to be speaking to quality prospects through the buyer’s journey which is awareness, consideration, and decision. This means you need to deliver appropriate content depending upon where they are in the buyer’s journey of your product or service. Understanding your audience and what they need in each stage will help you deliver the best content and attract qualified leads. Automation takes this a step further by taking the stress off of you to remember to send the content.
  2. How do I show my customers they are still important after the sale? Customers want to feel like a person and not a number in a quota. They want to be remembered. They want to know that you have their best interest in mind. Automation can alleviate the stress of following up on their recent sale, remembering their birthday, making a recommendation, or just checking in.
  3. How does my audience prefer to receive content? Many organizations assume that email is the only way to deliver content through automation. Although email is very high on the list, it may not be the only way. Texting has become very popular to nurture prospects as well as sending reminders and recommendations to existing customers. It is a mistake to assume that just because everyone else is using a certain method, you should too. Figure out what is the best method for your qualified leads and existing customers and build automation around those methods. Is it texting? Is it an email drip campaign? When you do this, you will close more sales and have happier customers.

Automation is a very powerful tool to close sales and nurture existing customers. It can also work against you if you do not set it up to deliver the best content to the right people effectively. When it is set up well, you will have less Follow-Up Fatigue. If you are not using automation with your CRM, take the time to implement it. If you are not using a CRM, contact us to learn more about our CRM that includes automation, texting, drip campaigns, and more.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”More Topics About Follow Up Fatigue” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_empty_space][vc_basic_grid post_type=”post” max_items=”2″ element_width=”6″ orderby=”rand” grid_id=”vc_gid:1598359917459-4d157b4b-0e72-1″ taxonomies=”24″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

FREE ebook:
Build More Revenue with Less Follow Up Fatigue

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